Vibrant watercolours by Hazel Lale

  Vibrant watercolours by Hazel Lale


 Sprache: Englisch
 Verlag:Search Press (16. Mai 2017)
 ISBN-10:  1782212949

Bewertung: 9/10


Vibrancy and impact are qualities that experienced watercolor artists aspire towards, and this book provides a full course in how to push this popular medium to unexpected places. Packed with inspirational artworks that cover everything from landscapes and portraits to abstract watercolors, this is a vibrant book that demands attent


Vibrancy is the sum of the elements of a painting that grab and keep your attention
Every painting tells a story. Hazel Lale calls it “visual language”.   Five important key components help to produce a vibrant finished work. Vibrancy is achieved through the combination and interaction of
colour, line, shape, form and pattern. A balanced relationship of these elements helps to catch the viewers eye and keep attention.
Important for beginners is the right basic equipment. Hazel Lale presents a list of materials she uses on her expeditions. A sketchbook should be carried around to gather all ideas. It is a melkpot of inspirations and together with written notes a good preparation for the final watercolour painting,
The radiant power of Hazel Lales paintings is mainly based on the selection of her watercolours. She splits her favorite colors into warm, cold and balanced paletts, shows colour examples and list their names This is very helpful for the untrained beginner.
Another important aspect for a vibrant and energetic painting is the right approach with vertical,
horizontal and diagonal lines. Shape selection,colours and tonal values can give the impression of depth and
 three-dimensional space.
A lot of step-by-step instructions will help to learn how Hazel Lale paints.
Using unexpected colours or techniques will engage the viewer immediately. Different approaches like colour, pattern, contrast and tonal contrasts can give many paintings visual impact.
Another approach to make your painting interest for viewers is to place the subject in an unusual way.
With a growing painter's experience one also deals with abstraction.
Using watercolours for abstract painting frees the painter to use pattern and vibrant colour with less structure.
The vibrant paintings of Hazel Lale impress by their  bright colour selection. The artist uses lines, forms, pattern and other unusual methods to catch the viewers eye. Both beginners and advanced students will gain valuable experience by a lot of different step-by-step examples like portraits, landscapes and abstracts.

Vibrant watercolours by Hazel Lale Vibrant watercolours by Hazel Lale Reviewed by TheNinaArt on 13:15:00 Rating: 5

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